The importance…

When I attended the Awana training in Kenya in March, I was so excited to come back to Godo News to train our leaders.


The training opened my eyes to a lot of cultural understanding of children ministries in Kenya that had me a little worried on how I would be able to create a successful Awana leader team. Children in Kenya are often looked at secondly- the attitude towards children and even children in the church can be seen almost as a bother.  I knew Good News leaders saw the important of children. However to create a leadership team that valued children and wanted to see Kenya’s next generation be transformed by the word of God, would be a challenge.


So never the less, we prayed. I trusted God that he would work in the hearts, because if children mattered to Jesus, we must see the importance and value in them in the church.


During our first training day, the first session was titled “The Importance of Children Ministry.” So I taught with authority and urgency on pouring into our young children and youth. At the end of teaching we divided into small discussion groups and I was amazed at the honesty that my leaders had. They were open, convicted and saw in the areas that they needed to grow in. I strongly believe that this leadership team will help bring the transformation that we need with our children.

 I’m blessed that my leaders now believe in the importance of raising up children in the ways of the Lord, so they can too, have a relationship with Jesus. So they can too, have a better and promising future. So they can too, reach their parents who don’t know Christ. So they can too, challenge us in our faith as we strive to have child-like faith.

We have two more Saturday’s of training and then we will begin Awana in Kisumu the first week in June. Very exciting!


Please join us in prayer as we strive to change Kenya’s next generation with the word of God.

Thanks for your help, prayer, support and encouragement in doing this!


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